I haven’t thought about this in 15 years now, since the regular travel part of my life came to a close. There was a time I was an expert packer out of necessity, traveling every week for work. I learned to pack in carry on, most of the time anyway, but many choices were based on this including clothing purchases. I couldn’t do it now, and I think airlines have gotten even stricter with sizes and such. It was about transition time for sure. In the last 10 years I’ve been more transient in my home, and downsized from a big house to a small space. It’s a very similar exercise in keeping only what you really need and realizing you don’t need as much as you think.

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Dear Karen. Thank you so much for your response. You have been a great partner my writing journey and it's very reassuring for my to keep receiving and reading your posts. Hope you are well and lots of love

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Loved reading this Vasant and you are not alone with this obsession about luggages as many of us are perpetually in transit to get to some destination and can relate to and this is something much deeper too perhaps with attachments and detachments in life in general .

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Thank you Anu. And thank you so much for reading. Lots of love

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