I love to come to Yet Untitled after a little break to lap up the goodies in one go like the true blue binge-watching fiend that I am. Like I've said earlier, it's so fulfilling to read generous, vulnerable male writers that not only write deliciously but always leave me with reflections and resources to go down rabbit-holes, a feat I thoroughly enjoy! I thought about not saying the obvious yet again but going to say it anway <shrug>: What I was seeking, sought me today through this post! :)

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Dear binge watching fiend friend. Thank you as always for reading. I send instalments like this out wondering how they will stick and read responses like yours with some surprise but much warmth from the validation. Thank you so much. Lots of love.

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Just what I needed to read. 🤗🤗

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Glad it helped

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Wishing the best for you Vasant!

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Thank you Karen

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How lovely. You will prevail, dear Zubin. Lots of love.

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5 weeks before my 11th Promotionals, feeling like it's me against the world (and the terrifying image of giant looming papers), this could not have come at a better time to reassure me that I need to get back in the ring. Glad that the armchair has once again shown itself after the fall.

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Such a great post Vas! Loved it, Rishabh

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