Hi. Your whole piece resonated with me. Thank you. I've just recently come out of 9 to 5 work and am struggling with the unstructured time in a massive way. The other day I was looking back at what I did creatively when I worked, and was amazed. Now, I can hardly stay focused on one thing long enough to get into flow! Your piece reassures me (even though I know it myself), that I will find some sort of balance, eventually!

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Thank you Debs. I’m so glad that it gave you hope. I sincerely wish you luck and that the unstructured time yields you some good surprises.

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When we have a day job we are often desperate to have more time for our creative projects. But too much time isn't always helpful. A brilliant look at how to tread this balance.

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Thank you Cali. I’m glad it resonated

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