I have this happen too! For a long while it happened almost every day. Now it happens less often. I will say it happens more often on nights I haven't slept as well. As I'm taking qi gong and paying attention to my energy, I am noticing it happens often the next morning if my energy before bed was more chaotic. I do know that cortisol rises in the morning, along with energy, and I wonder how that plays into it. It's interesting to know this isn't just me. Years ago I used to say I'd go to bed feeling defeated and get up every morning feeling like ok world, another chance to conquer. I've given up the idea of "conquering" life and the last few years have been so stressful, but I do wonder if energetically these two things are related.

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PS - this is despite the fact that mornings are my favorite time of day. I'm definitely a morning person and morning is my time in nature. yet still that dread is often their first thing in the morning. Or I should say that energy that I often interpret as dread is their first thing in the morning.

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Dear Karen. Thank you as always for your insightful replies

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