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So interesting - we are on a related wavelength for our writing this week. I have my own similar tendency (mine tends to manifest as fear and wanting to hide away). What I've been learning from the insight meditation teachers (and others) seems to come down to fully accepting that part of ourselves and loving it back into the wholeness. Trying to vanquish it doesn't work. So when the Buddha says "I see you Mara, let's have tea" that's what I have to do with the fearful part of myself. And what a beautiful opportunity you have to practice with your daughter. I have found as I accepted things in my nieces and nephews and loved them in their challenging moments, it has also been helping love and accept my own young self.

I will say, it is almost like working on it has made it more pronounced - or at least made me notice it more. But the various teachers give me hope as they talk about how, eventually, there will be a shift. Hopefully for us too!

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