Dearest Yet Untitler,
You know me by now - short post = paucity of time. The last time it was because I was shooting. This time…I’m not at liberty to tell, yet. But it’s something exciting, and challenging. It’s an engagement with a very intelligent and competent person who’s pushing me beyond my limits to new places.
A few days into this engagement and I already feel different. I’m working very hard. Every day has been rewarding, but each day I feel I have to fight for my bread. I fall on my bed exhausted each night. It hasn’t been easy finding the time to write this instalment even.
I feel that this has been a real gift - to have been here many times - being moulded via significant encounters with people I respect. How grateful do I feel?
*This* much!
Maybe this poem may convey how full my heart feels, not just for what I’ve been going through in the past days - but for everyone who’s taught me something. For you.

To you who taught me This is for all of you Who fanned my flame If you had not It would not have been the same Reader, leader, friend or blood Something about you cleared the mud You are lenses converging the light You are the ones who gifted me sight I’d know you from a mile away I’m baffled to have you this close My teachers, you healers All you creatures of hope If ever I have the chance To be one of you to another May I be that friend, that comrade or brother That proves me worthy of you all. May I respond how you responded To my faint but sincere call.
My eyelids are anvils. I love you all.
Thanks for listening